To borrow a phrase from my sister-in-law, I am a domestic diva! This past week I have:
*Baked cookies twice (So what if one time was a miserable failure... I mean "learning experience...")
*Painted the wainscoting and trim in my bathroom (Pictures to come. Yipee!)
*Harvested lettuce, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, raspberries (only two so far, but still...) and 1 itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny red potato from my garden. AND I cooked with them!
*Made homemade strawberry jam. Yum, YUm, YUM!
*Ground my own wheat into flour.
*Made homemade wheat bread with said flour.
On top of all that, I managed to keep two kids fed and dressed. (Okay, only partially dressed some of the time. But hey, isn't that what summer's all about?) It feels so rewarding to eat a salad entirely from your garden. Or to have a snack of bread and jam that you made yourself.
Next on the list: baking banana bread and more whole wheat bread.
I feel.... empowered. I love being a homemaker.