Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Domestic Diva

To borrow a phrase from my sister-in-law, I am a domestic diva! This past week I have:
*Baked cookies twice (So what if one time was a miserable failure... I mean "learning experience...")
*Painted the wainscoting and trim in my bathroom (Pictures to come. Yipee!)
*Harvested lettuce, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, raspberries (only two so far, but still...) and 1 itsy-bitsy teeny-tiny red potato from my garden. AND I cooked with them!
*Made homemade strawberry jam. Yum, YUm, YUM!
*Ground my own wheat into flour.
*Made homemade wheat bread with said flour.
On top of all that, I managed to keep two kids fed and dressed. (Okay, only partially dressed some of the time. But hey, isn't that what summer's all about?) It feels so rewarding to eat a salad entirely from your garden. Or to have a snack of bread and jam that you made yourself.

Next on the list: baking banana bread and more whole wheat bread.

I feel.... empowered. I love being a homemaker.


Robyn said...

That's impressive. How do you find the time to do all these things? I find cooking and baking difficult, because Eli always want to "help", which means I have to hold him while I cook so he can stir, or whatever. I'm excited to hear that your garden is doing so well. I'd love to see pictures.

Kevin and Eliza said...

Isn't homemaking very rewarding! I also love eating something that I have grown. Way to go! Very impressive. I need to make homemade jam, sooooo much better than store bought (well at least better than the cheap kind that I buy.)

Shelly said...

Way to go Kelsey!! You are a domestic diva!