Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh, how I love a good deal!

All of this (+ a dress for Brinley that is brand new w/ tags that didn't make the picture) for just $3!

We went to a garage sale today in between sessions of Conference and got there just 30 minutes before it was set to end, so they were selling everything you could fit in a grocery sack for $1. I went a little hog wild. Some of the highlights (in addition to the new dress) of our awesome purchase were: 1. A Kelty child carrier for hiking; 2. a new, never opened computer game, Railroad Tycoon II; 3. 4 of those surfboarder swim shirts; 4. 6 videos including 3 Tae-Bo ones; and 5. 39 books! Plus some other greats finds as you can see in the picture. Seriously, getting great deals just makes me completely elated. I have been on a high all day. Hooray!


Laurel said...

AWESOME Deals!! I love garage sales, and I love getting a good deal. Congrats!!

Shaela said...

wow, what a deal!!

Allison said...

Great deal! I am impressed!! And yard sales already?? It still seems so early!

Robyn said...

That's impressive. I love a good deal too, and get excited about it just like you. I don't think
I've ever done as well as this though. Way to go!