Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sam's brother Asa has introduced Levi to the wonders of puddle jumping. Now, whenever Levi sees any water on the ground, no matter how slight, he says "splash! splash!" Last week, while I was exercising at my parents shop, Levi and his cousin Jace got out the hose and made a puddle of their own. Then they discovered something even more fun than jumping in the puddle--running their cars through the puddle! They were soaked! Levi's bum was even soaked because when he squatted down to push the car, his bum ended up in the puddle. Oh, the joys of childhood. This is why we have we can remember what it is like to be young.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

What fun!! You have such a good outlook on motherhood. I need to catch that. Tonight, my son peed on the field during his Tee ball game. Yep... funny, but so embarassing. I'm sure I need to ease up a bit most of the time. I'm too uptight. I love reading your blog!! You are such a positive person.