It has been brought to my attention, much to my chagrin, that Summer is over.
Technically, it is not over until September 21st, or whenever the Equinox is, but as far as it goes in our culture Summer is over as of Labor Day. I guess that means that Summer
is over. Sigh.
Well, enough of that.
WELCOME FALL! I love Autumn. I would love if we just had Spring and Fall all year long... but I probably wouldn't appreciate them nearly as much without the extremes of Winter and Summer. Now, after my long Summer reprieve, it is time to get back to work updating the blog. Prepare to be inundated with posts....
A brief update on us:
Sam is super busy at work (they just got a ton of stimulus money and lots of projects to go with it). He has also been traveling quite a bit--at least once a month, this month the tally so far is 3. Sam is also our Ward Mission Leader, so that keeps him quite busy as well.
Levi's vocabulary has absolutely exploded--especially in the last 3 weeks. It is incredible! He says some hilarious things. A few examples:
*I was getting in the car to go to a church meeting with some of Sam's siblings and was saying goodbye to Levi. Me: Say "I love you." Levi: "Goodbye Joe." I guess we can see who he loves!
*I told Levi that we were going grocery shopping and that he could get Jo-jos, a tradition we have.
Levi: Owie Jo-jo (At least, that's what I thought he said.)
Me: The Jo-jo is owie?
Levi: No! Owi Jo-jo.
Me: Were the Jo-jos hot the last time we got them?
Levi: NO!
Me: Always Jo-jos? (To myself: Doubtful, I don't think he knows the word "always".)
Levi (exasperated): Yes!
Me: What do you want then?
Levi (super excited): Chicken!
At the store, he actually decided to go with the Jo-jos.
*Levi has the best manners I've seen and always says "please", "Thank you (insert name here)", and "Welcome!" The other day, Sam sneezed and Levi immediately said "Bless you Dad." After a minute of silence, Levi then said, "Mom.... Bless you Dad." Always reminding me to have good manners!
Brinley is growing like a weed.... Maybe I should say, developing like a weed. We just had her 9 month appointment, and she isn't really growing all the fast. She is just one little girl. Right now she is 16.5 pounds and 26.25 inches. But she is incredibly active and a little bit of a terror. I have proof in pictures that will be coming shortly. Good news... she is sleeping better at night. Shhh... I can't say that too late or it's all over from there.
My life consists of try-and failing-to get my house clean, reading lots of books, and taking care of the two most beautiful (albeit sometimes exhausting and frustrating) children in the world.
That pretty much sums things up for the Clements' family. Now get ready for the exciting details of our summer!