Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Food! Glorious Food!

As I've looked through the pictures I've taken over the past couple of months, I've noticed a couple of reoccurring themes. One of those is Brinley eating. I've started letting her feed herself and experiment with utensils. It worked great with Levi--he was eating with a fork before his first birthday--so I decided to try again with Brinley. Well, she has been loving it, and we love how adorable she is with potato salad smeared over every inch of her face... strike that...every inch of her head. :-D

p.s. Bonus points for whoever can name the movie that this post's title comes from. :-)


Michelle said...

I have no idea what movie... you were always so good at that game!

I'm not very good at letting Matthew feed himself. He usually just grabs the bowl and dumps it upside down while waving the fork enthusiastically and throwing it on the floor. I gave up... So kudos to you for doing it so early! Although, this past week he's been a little better--I guess I just need to be more tolerant of messes!

Kelly said...

Oliver, right?

I love all of your posts. Your kids are just so cute! I can't believe how fast time flys by.